Latest News

published: 21/8/2020

21st August 2020: Release of patch 4 for iSBEM_v5.6.a and patch 3 for iSBEM_v4.1.g

Release of patch 4 for iSBEM_v5.6.a and patch 3 for iSBEM_v4.1.g in order to update Landmark’s existing digital certificates in EPCgen, which are due to expire on 15th September 2020. These patches allow the generation of EPC XML files for buildings in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland (starting now and) beyond 15th September under the existing system of the EPC register.

The abovementioned digital certificates are irrelevant to the generation of XML files for EPCs in Scotland, which do not require an internet connection and should carry on uninterrupted, with or without patch 4 for iSBEM_v5.6.a