Latest News

published: 9/1/2024

9th January 2024: Release of Patch02 to iSBEM_v6.1.e to recognise a new Accreditation Scheme Provider (E&W)

Release of Patch02 to iSBEM_v6.1.e

Patch02 to iSBEM_v6.1.e recognises assessor numbers of energy assessors accredited with a specific new Accreditation Scheme Provider (England & Wales) and enables the relevant scheme provider's details to get recorded in the EPC files.

All other functionalities in iSBEM_v6.1.e are unaffected. As such, the patch is irrelevant to all other users of iSBEM, i.e., only assessors who have now been accredited by this new Accreditation Scheme Provider would need to download and install the patch before using the software for carrying out EPC assessments (in E&W).